All good things come to those who wait. This recipe is just weird though.

It began as a lovely saag paneer but was then aggressively veganised by replacing the delicious cream and cheese with tofu and vegan yoghurt. In times of low spinach, we've used kale instead of spinach, which is even worse.

People place too much emphasis on flavour. The fact is, this has lots of goodness in it; it's healthy and easy and it's ok once you lower your expectations.

Saag Tofu



Slice the onion

"Fry" it in a little water and chop the garlic

Add to the pan

Add the frozen spinach and mix it all up

Use this special time to peel and chop the ginger, chop the tofu into 1cm squares maybe and dig out the garam masala

Add the ginger, garam masala, yoghurt, tofu and mix everything up, let it cook a bit longer

serve with rice and all the veg